Public Health:
Vaccine Polling and Persuasive Ads
Up to Us works with INTRVL, a polling partner, to develop detailed insights on attitudes towards vaccines, down to the county level. This data outlines by location, demographic, and political affiliation, who is resistant to getting the vaccine and who is hesitant but can still be convinced.  We use this data to build local and national tactics and strategies that reduce vaccine hesitancy and get more shots in arms.
Tesla Giveaway
Up to Us partnered with TikTok creators, the Cheeky Boyos (9.2M followers), to give away a Tesla to one lucky voter that checked their voter registration status via our platform, with their Tiktoks generating 6.4MM+ views. Overall, our Tesla Giveaway drove 42,000+ young voters to check their registration status, make a voting plan, and encourage family and friends to do the same.
High Reach Content
Up to Us worked with partners to create and distribute impactful, non-partisan content to an audience of hundreds of millions. Influential figures who have shared out content include Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, Sacha Barron Cohen, Gigi Hadid, Mark Ruffalo, Orlando Bloom, Sara Silverman, Chelsea Handler, Ashton Kutcher, Rosario Dawson, and Kate Hudson, among others.
Public Health:
Vaccine Polling and Persuasive Ads

Up to Us works with INTRVL, a polling partner, to develop detailed insights on attitudes towards vaccines, down to the county level. This data outlines by location, demographic, and political affiliation, who is resistant to getting the vaccine and who is hesitant but can still be convinced.  We use this data to build local and national tactics and strategies that reduce vaccine hesitancy and get more shots in arms.

Tesla Giveaway

Up to Us partnered with TikTok creators, the Cheeky Boyos (9.2M followers), to give away a Tesla to one lucky voter that checked their voter registration status via our platform, with their Tiktoks generating 6.4MM+ views. Overall, our Tesla Giveaway drove 42,000+ young voters to check their registration status, make a voting plan, and encourage family and friends to do the same.

High Reach Content

Up to Us worked with partners to create and distribute impactful, non-partisan content to an audience of hundreds of millions. Influential figures who have shared out content include Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, Sacha Barron Cohen, Gigi Hadid, Mark Ruffalo, Orlando Bloom, Sara Silverman, Chelsea Handler, Ashton Kutcher, Rosario Dawson, and Kate Hudson, among others.